
Friday, October 4, 2013

Great Halloween Treats for Your Classroom Parties!

ATTENTION ROOM MOMS - this post is for all of you!!!  (Kara, Ashley and Julie - my Room Mom partners - you best be reading this!!)

Every year the pressure gets higher for some yummy and scary snacks for the much anticipated classroom Halloween party.  So us Room Moms need to keep it fresh!

Pretzel Pumpkins

Super easy sweet and salty combination - what could be better than that?

Caramel Apple Nachos

Healthy, yummy and easy (granted may be a little messy - but delish!!!)

Zombie Eyeballs

These are super easy and super cute - the kids will gobble them up (wait isn't that the wrong holiday? gobble, gobble).  All you need is waffle pretzels, candy melts, M & M's, red sprinkles and black icing!!  

Monster Marshmallow Pops

Yes, this is as easy as it looks!  Marshmallows dipped in melted green candy chocolate!

Banana Ghosts & Clementine Pumpkins

Cute and healthy!   It is always nice to have a healthier option.  All you need is bananas, chocolate chips, clementines and celery.

Carmel Apple Bites

Yummy, health(ier) and so much easier to eat than a whole caramel apple!!

Frankenstein Pudding Cups

It doesn't get better than this!  Clear plastic cups drawn on with a sharpie, vanilla pudding with green food coloring and crushed up Oreo's!  That's all it takes - the kids will love 'em!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Lisa!! If you see any other good ideas out there LMK!! Always looking!!!

  2. All those treats look super easy and delicious . I don't have kids myself but my nephew would definitely enjoy this.
